VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-15
• Job Name and Job Status column headers — Left-click either of these headers to
sort the list of jobs.
— Left-clicking Job Name sorts the job list by the job name or by the job date/time
stamp, in ascending or descending order, one sorting type per mouse left-button
click in the following sequence:
– Sort by Job Name, alphabetic ascending order (A to Z, from top)
– Sort by Job Name, alphabetic descending order (Z to A, from top)
– Sort by Date/Time stamp, ascending order (latest at the bottom)
– Sort by Date/Time stamp, descending order (latest at the top) (default)
— Left-clicking Job Status sorts the job list alphabetically based on the status
string in ascending or descending order, one sorting type per mouse left-button
• Submit Job — Click this button to submit your job after completing the appropriate
fields in the job creation area.
• Help — Click this button to access the VIPO online help facility.
Job creation area field descriptions
The following fields/buttons are located in the job creation area of the VIPO Job
Submission Client window.
Data File
Enter the name of the data file, or use browse to locate the VIPP data file (or print file) to
be submitted. This can be a VIPP line mode, database mode, native mode, or XML mode
print file (.lm, .dbf, .nm, .xml); a VI Project Container (.vpc); or a PDF file with bookmarks.
Init (Nub) File
Enter the name of the init file to be used when processing the job. This file must be
specified for each “raw” data file (one without a VIPP preamble such as STARTLM. For
these jobs, the init (nub) file supplies the appropriate VIPP preamble.
Current Profile
Optional. Load or save a profile using the Load Profile or Save Profile buttons. Profiles
are sets of previously used job submission options, which save you from re-entering the
data. The default folder for loading and saving profiles is the Profiles folder belonging to
Job cancellation requests are only submitted by the client; in order for
jobs to be cancelled they must be processed by the VIPO Server. A
cancellation request submitted by the client while the Server is not
running, or is in a paused state, will not be processed until the Server is
executing a VIPO job.