VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-69
Dispatch Rule entries are defined as follows:
The user-specified name by which the rule is identified to the user. Examples might be
“E-mail via Exchange” or “Submit to DocuShare.”
A set of name-value pair definitions that define the specified field names for use in the
CommandTemplate. When a RuleVars name is the same as a field name encountered in
a VIPOD job's splitfile index record, the field name contents of the splitfile index record
takes precedence over the RuleVars value.
RuleVars=(profileName="Bill Walker-Test2" | password=wazoo)
The RuleVars entry can be empty, indicating that no RuleVars name or value pairs are
defined for the given Dispatch Rule.
The template from which the data file preprocessing step(s) are defined.
These steps specify the writing to disk of zero or more files containing the contents of one
or more splitfile index fields. This is required to support external programs like some
batch e-mail clients, where the body of an e-mail message must be specified as a file
name on the client's command line.
The template consists of a set of rules internally delimited by the “|” character and
interstitially delimited by the “;” character of the form:
where the fieldName is the name of a field in the splitfile index (i.e., “body” or “mailtext”),
the path resolves to the full path of a destination file. The boolean deleteOnExit indicates
whether the destination file is deleted by VIPOD upon successful processing of the
subtask. An example:
DataFileTemplate=(body | c:\xvtp\bin\bodytemp.txt | 1)
results in the contents of the body field of the splitfile index record being written to the file
c:\xvtp\bin\bodytemp.txt, which would then be deleted after the execution of the rule's
command. This example:
DataFileTemplate=(body | c:\xvtp\bin\$(destFilename) | 0)
where destFilename is a field of the splitfile index record having the value “jones.txt,”
results in the contents of the body field of the splitfile index record being written to the file
c:\xvtp\bin\jones.txt. The file is not deleted after the execution of the rule's command.
A DataFile Template can be empty, indicating that no file creation is to take place.