VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
VIPO-20 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)
By setting the value to false, these invalid characters will be considered valid literals in
the filename template:
[ ] { } ( ) % # = + @
Uses the data file name. [x..y] and [Fn] are optional. When producing multiple files, this
is the first part of the file name.
Uses the bookmark field. [x..y] and [Fn] are optional.
An optional range modifier that can appear in any order or number after a DFNAME or
BKMARK; for example, [0..5] indicates to use character 0 through character 5 of
DFNAME or BKNAME. Valid values for x and y are 0 through 99.
An optional field number that can appear in any order or number after a DFNAME or
BKMARK; for example, [F2] indicates to use field 2 of DFNAME or BKMARK. Valid values
for n are 0 through 99.
A field separator character that must be specified if [Fn] is used. Valid values for char are
any printable ASCII character except: [ ] < >.
You can use more than one FS designation. If used within [ ], it only has an effect within
those [ ]. If used outside of the [ ], it takes effect until the next FS is encountered outside
of the [ ].
The number of digits to use in the output file names when multiple files are produced. If
only a single PDF file is produced, no digits are used in the output file name. Valid values
for n are 1 through 10.
The square brackets, [ ] , must be “escaped” (preceded by a backslash
character “\”) to be valid literals in the template syntax (for example:
“filename_\[OK\].pdf”). Use the other characters without the “escape”