216 Chapter 16—Using the Digital Inputs & Outputs
01V—Owner’s Manual
About Option I/O Cards
The 01V features a single slot for an optional Option I/O card, providing eight digital
inputs (input channels 17 through 24) and eight assignable digital outputs. Option I/O
allows a direct digital connection to digital multitrack recorders, with cards for the fol-
lowing formats: ADAT, Tascam, and AES/EBU. Various Option I/O cards with analog
inputs and outputs are also available. See the Yamaha PA Web site for news of other 01V
Option I/O cards. 01V Option I/O cards are not interchangeable with the YGDAI cards
used by the Yamaha 02R and 03D Digital Recording Consoles.
The MY8-AT card has two Alesis ADAT MultiChannel Optical Digital Interface con-
nectors and is used to connect 8-track digital multitrack recorders such as the Alesis
ADAT, Alesis ADAT-XT, or Fostex D-90 Hard Disk Recorder.
MY8-TD Tascam
The MY8-TD card has a Tascam Digital Audio Interface (TDIF-1) 25-pin D-sub con-
nector and is used to connect 8-track digital multitrack recorders such as the Tascam
DA-88 or DA-38. MY8-TD cards feature a device selector switch that should be set
according to the type of recorder connected. EXT: 88 for use with a Tascam DA-88. INT:
38 for use with a Tascam DA-38 or other recorder.
The MY8-AE card has a 25-pin D-sub connector and is used to connect digital audio
equipment with AES/EBU format digital inputs and outputs.
MY4-DA Analog Output
The MY4-DA card features four analog XLR outputs. With this card you could, for
example, assign the four bus outs to the Omni outputs and the four aux sends to the
MY4-DA analog outputs for a total of eight analog outputs.
MY8-AD 8 Analog Input
The MY8-AD card features eight analog phone jack inputs, providing eight analog
inputs to input channels 17 through 24.
MY4-AD 4 Analog Input
The MY4-AD card features four analog XLR inputs, providing four analog inputs to
input channels 17 through 20.