242 Chapter 18—System Examples
01V—Owner’s Manual
01V & ADAT-Interface Recorder
This example shows how the 01V can be used with an 8-track digital tape recorder, or
8-track hard disk recorder, featuring ADAT optical connections to create a 16-input,
8-track fully digital recording system, with the 16 mic/line inputs and eight digital tape
returns providing up to 24 inputs during mixdown.
System Components
• 01V Digital Mixing Console
• MY8-AT Option I/O card
• 8-track digital tape recorder, or 8-track hard disk recorder, such as Alesis ADAT, Ale-
sis ADAT-XT, Alesis M20, Akai DR8, Akai DD8, Fostex D-90, or Fostex CX-8.
• Two ADAT optical cables
See “Installing Option I/O Cards” on page 218 for MY8-AT installation instructions.
Wordclock Configuration
For digital audio transfer, digital audio devices must be wordclock synchronized (see
“About Wordclocks” on page 206). In this example, the digital multitrack recorder is
wordclock master and the 01V and DAT recorder are wordclock slaves. The 01V derives
its wordclock from the Option I/O digital input. The DAT derives its wordclock from
the Digital Stereo Coaxial Out of the 01V. The wordclock frequency, which is the same
as the sampling rate, is set when the digital multitrack tape is formatted or first
For digital recording from the DAT recorder to the digital multitrack recorder, the DAT
recorder must be configured as wordclock master and the 01V and digital multitrack
recorder as wordclock slaves. In this case, the 01V would derive its wordclock from the
Digital Stereo Coaxial In connection, and the digital multitrack recorder would derive
its wordclock from the 01V’s Option I/O connection. The sampling rate will be the
same as that used when the DAT tape was recorded. If a CD player is used instead of the
DAT, the sampling rate will be fixed at 44.1 kHz, the industry-standard for music CDs.
System Notes
• The digital IN and OUT connectors on the MY8-AT card are connected to the digital
multitrack recorder using ADAT optical cables.
• On an Alesis ADAT 8-Track Digital Audio Recorder, use the DIGITAL IN button to
select the optical digital input.
• Although the 01V is a four-bus mixer, a combination of bus outs, aux sends, and
channel direct outputs can be assigned to the digital outputs for eight-track simulta-
neous recording. See “Assigning Option I/O Digital Outputs” on page 219 for more