222 Chapter 17—MIDI
01V—Owner’s Manual
MIDI & the 01V
The 01V can be used with MIDI in the following ways.
• Program Change messages for mix scene recall—“Program Change Scene Recall” on
page 227.
• Control Change messages for real-time parameter control—“Control Change
Parameter Control” on page 229.
• System Exclusive messages for parameter control—“System Exclusive Parameter
Control” on page 231.
• System Exclusive Bulk Dump for data backup and transfer between 01Vs—“Bulk
Dump” on page 232.
• MMC (MIDI Machine Control) for remote recorder control—“MIDI Machine
Control” on page 236.
• MIDI Link for simultaneous operation—“Linking 01Vs” on page 239.
• MIDI Local Control for remote 01V operation—“Local Control” on page 234.
• User defined MIDI controllers for remote operation—“User Defined MIDI Control-
lers” on page 238.
• MIDI Note On for Freeze effect playback and Note On velocity for the DYNA.FIL-
TER, DYNA.FLANGE, and DYNA.PHASER effects—“Effects Parameters” on
page 138.
MIDI Ports
The MIDI IN port receives MIDI messages, while the MIDI OUT port transmits them.
The MIDI THRU port transmits all MIDI messages received at the MIDI IN port. In
addition to regular MIDI ports, the 01V features a TO HOST port for connecting to a
personal computer without a MIDI interface.
Apart from being a bidirectional connection that can transmit and receive MIDI data,
the TO HOST port functions in the same way as the regular MIDI ports. Whether you
use the regular MIDI ports or TO HOST port will depend on your particular system
and application. The PORT parameter on MIDI page 1 is used to select the port for reg-
ular MIDI transmission. See “MIDI Setup” on page 224 for more information. The
unused port automatically becomes the LINK PORT, which is used for simultaneous
operation with another 01V.