CLP-811/611 Configuration Functions (FUNCTION mode)
13.3 Local (Local control ON/OFF)
Values: ON, OFF
Default: ON
Selects whether the Clavinova keyboard produces sound from
the Clavinova. More precisely, determines whether the
Clavinova’s keyboard drives the Clavinova’s internal tone-
generator system.
Under normal circumstances this setting is left ON, so that the
Clavinova keyboard produces sound from the Clavinova’s tone
generator. If you want to use the keyboard to control an
external MIDI device only, however, you would set this value
to OFF. This setting makes it possible, for example, to use the
keyboard to play an external device, while at the same time
using another external device to play the Clavinova.
13.4 PrgChg (Program Change enable/disable)
Values: ON, OFF
Default: ON
A MIDI Program Change message instructs the receiving
device to switch voices.
If you are using the Clavinova to control an external device, for
example, then each time you change the voice selection (by
pressing a different voice selector), the Clavinova will issue a
Program Change message telling the external device to switch
to the same-numbered voice. (Each voice is associated with a
unique program-change number.)
Similarly, if the Clavinova is playing MIDI data received from
an external device, then receipt of a Program Change message
will cause the Clavinova to change the voice used to reproduce
this data. (Note that this change applies only to the MIDI data;
the voice produced by the Clavinova keyboard does not
There are times when you may want to disable the use of
Program Change messages, so that voice switching at both
sides must be handled locally. You can do this by setting the
PrgChg value to OFF. In this case, the Clavinova will not
generate messages when voice selectors are pressed, and will
not respond to any Program Change messages that it receives.
• Program-change numbers on the CLP-811/611
Program-change number assignments on the CLP-811/611
are in conformance with the XG standard. Refer to “MIDI
Data Format” (page 48) for specific information.
13.5 CtrlChg (Control Change enable/disable)
Values: ON, OFF
Default: ON
Control Change messages transfer performance-related control
information from one MIDI device to another. Such informa-
tion includes pedal actions and volume settings.
If you are using the Clavinova to control an external device, for
example, then each time you step on the damper pedal a
corresponding Control Change message is issued to that
If you are using an external device to control the Clavinova,
then Control Change messages received from that device will
cause appropriate changes at the Clavinova side. These
changes apply only to incoming MIDI data; panel settings and
keyboard sound do not change. (But note that reverb-depth
control change is an exception, since it affects both MIDI and
local sound.)
There are times when you may want to disable the use of
Control Change messages. You can do this by setting the
CtrlChg value to OFF, so that the Clavinova will not generate
these messages, and will not respond to any such messages that
it receives.
• Control Change implementation on the CLP-811/
Refer to “MIDI Data Format” (page 48) for details.
13.6 MIDITrans (Transposition of outgoing MIDI
Values: -12,...,12 (in semitones)
Default: 0 (no transposition)
Use this function to set transposition of note data being sent
out from the Clavinova. Note that this operation has no relation
to the keyboard transpotion set up by the [TRANSPOSE]
13.7 SetupSnd (Transmit Panel setup file.)
This operation transmits the Clavinova’s current panel
configuration to an external MIDI sequencer such as the
YAMAHA DOU-10 Disk Ochestra Unit, so that it can be
restored to the Clavinova at a later time.
For example, assume that you want to record a performance to
a sequencer so that you can later play it back at the Clavinova
while at the same time playing along locally at the keyboard. In
this case you might find it convenient to first record the panel
configuration you will want to use for local play. The panel
will then set itself automatically just before playback begins.
1 Set the panel to the configuration that you want to record.
2 Run a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT connector on the
Clavinova to the MIDI IN connector on the sequencer.
3 Enter FUNCTION mode and move to subfunction 13.7
4 Press [+/YES] to transmit the setup.
The screen displays Completed briefly to indicate
that transfer is completed.
• Transmitted data...
In addition to the Panel data indicated on page 50 of the
“MIDI Data Format” section, the Clavinova also transmits
the key-by-key fine tuning data set up within the F2.KTune
• To reload the data from the external device...
1. Run a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT on the sequencer
to the MIDI IN at the Clavinova.
2. Begin transmission from the sequencer. (Refer to the
sequencer’s operation manual.)
The Clavinova automatically receives and loads the
It is not possible to reload the setup data into a
different Clavinova model. If you stored setup
data for a CLP-811, for example, then you can
reload the data to any CLP-811, but not to a CLP-
13.8 BulkDump (Bulk data dump.)
This feature lets you permanently save recordings you have
made with the Clavinova’s RECORDER. The Bulk Dump
operation sends the performance data from both RECORDER
tracks to an external MIDI storage device such as the Yamaha
DOU-10 Disk Orchestra Unit. (Note that this information is
sent in the form of bulk data, rather than as sequence data.) The
saved data can later be restored by retransmission.
1 Run a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT connector on the
Clavinova to the MIDI IN connector on the storage device.
2 Set the storage device into the appropriate receiving mode.
(Refer to the device’s operating manual for instructions.)