[9nH] → [kkH] → [vvH]
9nH = Note ON/OFF event (n = Channel No.)
kkH = Note No.
(Sending: 09H~78H = A-2~C8)
(Receiving: 00H~7FH = C-2~G8) *1
vvH = velocity
(Note ON = 01H~7FH. Note OFF = 00H.)
[8nH] → [kkH] → [vvH]
8nH = Note OFF (n = Channel No.)
kkH = Note No. (00H~7FH = C-2~G8)
vvH = velocity
*1: If received value exceeds the supported range
for the selected voice, the note is adjusted by
the necessary number of octaves.
2. Control Change
[BnH] → [ccH] → [vvH]
BnH = Control Change (n = Channel No.)
ccH = Control No.
vvH = Control value
1) Bank Select
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
00H Bank select MSB 01H: Normal
00H~7FH: Incorrect sounding
20H Bank select LSB 00H~7FH
70H Brilliance: Normal Variation: OFF
71H Normal ON
72H Bright OFF
73H Bright ON
74H Mellow OFF
75H Mellow ON
* Bank selection processing does not occur until
receipt of next Program Change message.
* Bank Select messages are not effective on the
Organ Combination voice.
2) Main Volume (Receive only)
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
07H Volume 00H~7FH
3) Expression
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
0BH Expression 00H~7FH
4) Damper Pedal
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
40H Damper 00H~7FH
5) Sostenuto Pedal
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
42H Sostenuto
00H~3FH:OFF 40H~7FH:ON
6) Soft Pedal
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
43H Soft pedal
00H~3FH:OFF 40H~7FH:ON
7) Attack Time
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
49H Attack time 00H~7FH
Effect-1 Depth (Reverb Send Level)
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
5BH Effect-1 depth 00H~7FH
* Adjusts the send level for the reverb effect.
9) Effect-4 Depth (Variation-Effect
Send Level)
ccH Parameter Value (vvH)
5EH Effect-4 depth 00H~7FH
3. Mode Messages
[BnH] → [ccH] → [vvH]
BnH = Control Event (n = Channel No.)
ccH = Mode Message No.
vvH = Mode Message value
1) All Sound Off
ccH Controller Value (vvH)
78H All Sound Off 00H
* Turns off all sound on the specified channel.
Does not reset Note On and Hold On conditions
established by Channel Messages.
2) Reset All Controllers
ccH Controller Value (vvH)
79H Reset All Controllers 00H
* Resets controllers as follows.
Controller Reset Value
Expression 127 (Max.)
Damper Pedal 0 (OFF)
Sostenuto 0 (OFF)
Soft Pedal 0 (OFF)
3) All Notes Off
ccH Controller Value (vvH)
7BH All Notes Off 00H
* Switches OFF all the notes that are currently ON
on the specified channel. Any notes being held
by the damper or sostenuto pedal will continue
to sound until the pedal is released.
4) Omni Off (Receive only)
ccH Controller Value (vvH)
7CH Omni Off 00H
* Same processing as All Notes Off.
5) Omni On (Receive only)
ccH Controller Value (vvH)
7DH Omni On 00H
* Same processing as All Notes Off.
6) Mono (Receive only)
ccH Controller Value (vvH)
7EH Mono 00H
* Same processing as All Sound Off.
7) Poly (Receive only)
ccH Controller Value (vvH)
7FH Poly 00H
* Same processing as All Sound Off.
● Remarks
1. The Clavinova will not send or accept Control
Change messages if the FUNCTION-mode
Control Change setting is OFF.
2. The Clavinova does not transmit Local ON/OFF
and Omni ON/OFF messages. (All Notes Off is
transmitted as a series of Note Off messages.)
3. The Clavinova saves the bank select value (MSB
and LSB; receivable in any order) to its internal
buffer. This value is then used to determine the
voice selection upon receipt of the next Program
Change message.
4. The Clavinova always operates in multitimbral
polyphonic mode. The mode does not change in
response to Omni ON/OFF, Mono, and Poly
4. Program Change
[CnH] → [ppH]
CnH = Program Change (n = Channel No.)
ppH = Program Change No.
* The Clavinova will not send or accept Program
Change messages if the FUNCTION-mode
Program Change setting is OFF.
* Program number assignments are as follows.
Voice Program Change No.
E. PIANO 1 05H
E. PIANO 2 04H
BASS (CLP-811) 20H
5. System Realtime Messages
1) Active Sensing
* Transmitted every 200 msec.
* If the Clavinova receives no MIDI signals for
400 msec. following receipt of an FEH, it will
execute processing equivalent to All Sound Off
→ All Notes Off → Reset All Controllers.
2) Clock
* Clock signal is issued 96 times per whole note.
* If Exclusive Message specifies use of an external
clock, the Clavinova counts 96 clock signals as
one whole note.
3) Start
* Transmitted at rhythm start.
* Receipt causes song to start.
4) Stop
* Transmitted at rhythm stop.
* Receipt causes song to stop.
* If error occurs during MIDI reception, the
Clavinova switches off damper, sostenuto, and
soft effects and then executes All Notes Off
processing (for all channels).
6. System Exclusive Message
(Yamaha MIDI Format)
[F0H] → [43H] → [0nH]→ [7CH] → ... → [F7H]
F0H,43H,0nH,7CH: n = Channel No.
01H,36H: Data length
43H,4CH,20H,20H: CL
30H,30H: (Version x,y)
[Panel Data]
[Checksum (1 byte)]=0-(43H+4CH+20H+..... data end)
F7H: End of Exclusive
[Panel-data content]
(1) Voice
(3) DUAL voice
(4) DUAL balance
(5) DUAL detuning
(6) DUAL Voice
1 octave shift
(7) DUAL Voice
2 octave shift
(8) DUAL Voice
1 effect depth
(9) DUAL Voice
2 effect depth
(10) DUAL/STRINGS slow attack ON/OFF
(12) SPLIT voice
(13) SPLIT point
(14) SPLIT balance
(15) SPLIT Voice
1 octave shift
(16) SPLIT Voice
2 octave shift
(17) SPLIT Voice
1 effect depth
(18) SPLIT Voice
2 effect depth
(19) SPLIT damper mode
(20) Reverb type
(21) Reverb depth
(22) Effect type 1
(23) Effect type 2
(24) Effect depth
(25) Brilliance
(26) Variation
(27) Variation
(28) Touch sensitivity
(29) FIXED-touch velocity
(30) Left pedal function (Soft/Start)
(31) Key-specific tuning ON/OFF
(32) Tempo (absolute value; LSB)
(33) Tempo (absolute value; MSB)
(34) Organ Combination voice No.
(35)~(51) Organ Combination data 1
CLP-811/611 MIDI Data Format/MIDI-Datenformat/Format de données MIDI/Formato de datos MIDI