(52)~(68) Organ Combination data 2
(69)~(85) Organ Combination data 3
(86)~(102) Organ Combination data 4
(103)~(119) Organ Combination data 5
(120)~(136) Organ Combination data 6
(137)~(153) Organ Combination data 7
(154)~(170) Organ Combination data 8
* The Clavinova does not accept requests to
transfer panel data.
7. System Exclusive Messages
(Universal System Exclusives)
1) Universal Realtime Message
[F0H] → [7FH] → [XnH]→ [04H]→ [01H] →
H] → [mmH] → [F7H]
MIDI Master Volume
* This message changes the volume for all
channels at the same time.
* Receipt of this message affects the volume on
the MIDI receiving channel(s) only. Panel
volume does not change.
F0H: Exclusive status
7FH: Universal realtime
7FH: ID of target device
04H: Sub-ID #1 (Device control message)
01H: Sub-ID #2 (Master Volume)
H: Volume LSB
mmH: Volume MSB
F7H: End of Exclusive
F0H: Exclusive status
7FH: Universal realtime
XnH: X is ignored; n=0~F
04H: Sub-ID #1 (Device control message)
01H: Sub-ID #2 (Master Volume)
H: Volume LSB
mmH: Volume MSB
F7H: End of Exclusive
2) Universal Non-Realtime Message
[F0H] → [7EH] → [XnH]→ [09H]→ [01H] →
GM (General MIDI) Mode ON
F0H: Exclusive status
7EH: Universal non-realtime
7FH: ID of target device
09H: Sub-ID #1 (General MIDI message)
01H: Sub-ID #2 (General MIDI ON)
F7H: End of Exclusive
F0H: Exclusive status
7EH: Universal non-realtime
XnH: X is ignored; n=0~F
09H: Sub-ID #1 (General MIDI message)
01H: Sub-ID #2 (General MIDI ON)
F7H: End of Exclusive
* Receipt of the GM ON message causes MIDI
parameters to reinitialize. Allow sufficient time
for processing to execute (about 50 msec) before
sending the Clavinova another message.
8. System Exclusive Messages
(XG Standard)
1) XG Native Parameter Change
[F0H] → [43H] → [1nH]→ [4CH]→ [hhH] →
[mmH] → [
H] → [ddH] ... → [F7H]
F0H: Exclusive status
43H: Yamaha
1nH: Device No.
(If transmission, n=0. If reception, n=0~F.)
4CH: XG model ID
hhH: Address High
mmH: Address Mid
H: Address Low
ddH: Data
: :
F7H: End Of Exclusive
2) Bulk Dump (Receive only)
[F0H] → [43H] → [0nH]→ [4CH] → [aaH] →
[bbH] → [hhH] → [mmH] → [
H] → [ddH] →
... → [ccH] → [F7H]
F0H: Exclusive status
43H: Yamaha
0nH: Device No. (n=0~F.)
4CH: XG model ID
aaH: Byte count
bbH: Byte count
hhH: Address High
mmH: Address Mid
H: Address Low
ddH: Data
: :
ccH: Checksum
F7H: End Of Exclusive
* Receipt of this message causes reinitialization of
relevant parameters and Control Change values.
Allow sufficient time for processing to execute
(about 50 msec) before sending the Clavinova
another message.
* XG Native Parameter Change message may
contain two or four bytes of parameter data
(depending on the parameter size).
* For information about the Address and Byte
Count values, refer to Table 1 below. Note that
the table’s Total Size value gives the size of a
bulk block. Only the top address of the block
(00H, 00H, 00H) is valid as a bulk data address.
* Transmission of excessive bulk-data length may
cause error at the receiving side. Keep message
length within 512 bytes. If you need to send
more than 512 bytes, break the transmission into
multiple parts and allow at least 120 msec
between each transmission.
<Table 1>
MIDI Parameter Change (SYSTEM)
Address (H) Size (H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default (H)
00 00 00 4 020C~05F4 MASTER TUNING -50~+50 [cents] 00 04 00 00 * Value below 020CH selects -50 cents.
01 1st byte bits (3~0) → Bits 15~12 400 Value above 05F4H selects +50 cent.
02 2nd byte bits (3~0) → Bits 11-8
03 3rd byte bits (3~0) → Bits 7-4
4th byte bits (3~0) → Bits 3-0
04 1 00~7F MASTER VOLUME 0~127 7F
05 1
06 1 34~4C TRANSPOSE -12~+12 [semitones] 40 *
Values 28H to 33H select -12 to -1, respectively.
7E 0 XG SYSTEM ON 00=XG System ON
Values 4DH to 58H select +1 to +12, respectively.
7F 0
00= ON (Receive only)
Total Size 7
<Table 2>
MIDI Parameter Change (EFFECT 1)
* For a listing of REVERB, CHORUS, and VARIATION type numbers, refer to the Effect MIDI maps.
Address (H) Size (H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default (H)
02 01 00 2 00~7F REVERB TYPE MSB Refer to the Effect MIDI Map. 01 (=HALL 1)
00~7F REVERB TYPE LSB 00: Basic Type 00
0C 1 00~7F REVERB RETURN -∞dB…0dB…+6dB (0…64…127) 40
02 01 40 2 00~7F VARIATION TYPE MSB Refer to the Effect MIDI Map. 00 (No effect)
00~07F VARIATION TYPE LSB 00: Basic Type 00
Note: “VARIATION TYPE” corresponds to the Clavinova’s panel-set effect type.
<Table 3>
MIDI Parameter Change (Multipart)
Address (H) Size (H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default (H)
08 nn 11 1 00~7F DRY LEVEL 0~127 7F
nn= Part number
CLP-811/611 MIDI Data Format/MIDI-Datenformat/Format de données MIDI/Formato de datos MIDI