148 Chapter 12—Common Channel Functions
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
You can also make these settings in the Output Fader Group Master page, as shown below.
3 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [GROUP] button to locate the Output Fader Group
Master page.
4 Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, then use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons or [ENTER] button to set them.
OUTPUT FADER MASTER: When this check box is checked, you can set the master lev-
els for the Output Fader groups. The resultant Output Channel level equals the correspond-
ing Output Channel fader level plus the Group master level.
ALL NOMINAL: This button resets the master levels for all Output Fader groups to nom-
ON/OFF: This turns each Output Fader group on or off, like a VCA mute on an analog
mixing console.
Faders: These faders adjust the master levels of the Fader groups. Fader knobs appear
highlighted when faders are set to 0.0 dB. Press the [ENTER] button to set the cur-
rently-selected fader to 0.0 dB.
You can also control the Fader Master function from the channel strips on the control sur-
face as described below by using the User Assignable Layer of the Remote Layers. See
page 269 for information on the User Assignable Layer.
Encoders: The Encoders are not available.
[AUTO] buttons: These buttons are used to control the Fader Group Master On/Off and
the master level during Automix.
[SEL] buttons: These buttons move the cursor on the Output Fader Group Master page.
[SOLO] buttons: These buttons turn the Solo function of each Fader group on and off,
enabling you to monitor every channel in each Fader group.
Channel Strip Displays: The displays indicate the Group names (GrpQ–GrpT). When
you operate the channel faders, the displays indicate the corresponding master level values.
Channel Faders: The Channel Faders enable you to set the master level for each Fader