Scrub & Shuttle 249
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Scrub & Shuttle
The Parameter wheel can be used to scrub and shuttle as follows.
1 Make sure that Pro Tools is stopped.
2 Press the [SCRUB] button if you want to scrub, press the [SHUTTLE] button
if you want to shuttle.
The corresponding button indicator lights up. The [REW] and [FF] button indicators also
light up, and the cursor mode is set to Navigation (the CURSOR MODE section of the dis-
play shows “NAVIGATION”).
3 Turn the Parameter wheel clockwise to scrub/shuttle forwards. Turn it coun-
terclockwise to scrub/shuttle backwards.
Scrub/shuttle starts at the in point of the selected region. If no region is selected, the edit
cursor position is used. If you hold down the USER DEFINED KEYS [5] (OPTION/ALL)
button when pressing the [SCRUB] or [SHUTTLE] button, scrub/shuttle will start at the
out point of the selected region.
If the Edit Insertion Follows Scrub/Shuttle preference is turned on in Pro Tools (Setups
menu, Preferences command, Operation page), the currently selected region will be can-
celled when the [SCRUB] or [SHUTTLE] button is pressed. To maintain the currently
selected region, hold down the USER DEFINED KEYS [4] (SHIFT/ADD) button when
pressing the [SCRUB] or [SHUTTLE] button.
You can toggle between scrub and shuttle by pressing the [SCRUB] and [SHUTTLE] but-
tons, in which case scrub or shuttle continues from the current position.
4 To expand or shrink the selected region, while holding down the USER
DEFINED KEYS [4] (SHIFT/ADD) button, rotate the Parameter wheel.
Press the left cursor button when you want to move the in point. Press the right cursor but-
ton, to move the out point.
To start Scrub/Shuttle from the top of the selected region, while holding down the USER
DEFINED KEYS [5] (OPTION/ALL) button, press the left cursor button. Similarly, to start
Scrub/Shuttle from the end of the selected region, while holding down the USER DEFINED
KEYS [5] (OPTION/ALL) button, press the right cursor button.
5 To stop scrub/shuttle, press the [SCRUB] or [SHUTTLE] button again, or press
the [STOP] button.
If you press the [REW], [FF], or [PLAY] button, scrub/shuttle operation is stopped before
rewind, fast forward, or playback commences.
While scrub/ shuttle is active, only the following Pro Tools/DM2000 controls can be used:
[SCRUB] and [SHUTTLE] buttons, Parameter wheel, transport buttons, faders, [ON] but-
tons, and [SOLO] buttons. The current position can be stored as a marker by pressing the
[ENTER] button.
The scrub resolution depends on the current zoom setting, the more zoomed in you are, the
higher the resolution. If you hold down the USER DEFINED KEYS [13] (ALT/FINE) but-
ton while scrubbing, you can scrub at the highest resolution regardless of the current zoom