266 Chapter 20—Remote Control
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
6 Use the buttons located to the right of the OUTPUT (1–8) parameters to
switch the polarity of the trigger signals that are output when you control
the trigger sources.
: The GPI Output goes High (open) when the trigger signal source is active.
: The GPI Output goes Low (ground) when the trigger signal source is active.
At this time, the trigger signal is output from the CONTROL connector when you operate
the assigned parameters or controls.
xxx FADER ON: A trigger signal of 250 ms is transmitted when you raise a fader from –∞.
xxx FADER OFF: A trigger signal of 250 ms is transmitted when you lower a fader to –∞.
xxx FADER TALLY: The trigger signal becomes active when the fader is set to any level
other than –∞, and the trigger signal turns off when the fader is set to –∞.
UDEFxx LATCH: Pressing the corresponding button in the USER DEFINED KEYS sec-
tion activates the trigger signal, and pressing the button again turns it off.
UDEF xx UNLATCH: A trigger signal of 250 ms is transmitted each time you press the
corresponding button in the USER DEFINED KEYS section.
REC LAMP: This source can be used to control a “RECORDING” warning light outside a
studio. The trigger signal is active while the [REC] button indicator is lit.
POWER ON: The trigger signal is active while the power to the DM2000 is on.
Tip: Refer to page 302 for a complete list of assignable parameters and controls.
Important note: GPI outputs are open collector outputs. GPI inputs have an internal pull-up
to 5 V.
Trigger signal polarity =
Output signals from the
CONTROL connector
Trigger signal polarity =
Output signals from the
CONTROL connector