
Kiosk Modifications of the OLE for Retail POS
General Information
P1061668-001 Rev. A OPOS Driver User Guide 11/25/2013
Print Mode Characteristics that are remembered until explicitly changed.
Feed units ESC |#uF Feed the paper forward by mapping
mode units. The character ‘#’ is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string
telling the number of units to be fed. If
‘#’ is omitted, then one unit is fed.
Feed reverse ESC |#rF Feed the paper backward. The
character ‘#’ is replaced by an ASCII
decimal string telling the number of
lines to be fed. If ‘#’ is omitted, then
one line is fed.
Table 9 One Shot Data Characters and Escape Sequences (Continued)
Name Data Remarks
Zebra Kiosk
Printer Supported
Table 10 Print Mode Data Characters and Escape Sequences
Name Data Remarks
Zebra Kiosk
Printer Supported
Pass through
embedded data
ESC |#E Send the following # characters of
data through to the hardware without
modifying it. The character '#' is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string
telling the number of bytes following
the escape sequence that should be
passed through as-is to the hardware.
Print in-line barcode ESC |#R Prints the defined barcode in-line. The
character ‘#’ is the number of
characters following the R to use in
the definition of the characteristics of
the barcode to be printed. See details
Font typeface selection ESC |#fT Selects a new typeface for the
following data. Values for the
character ‘#’ are:
0 = Default typeface.
1 = Select second typeface from the
FontTypefaceList property.
2 = Select third typeface from the
FontTypefaceList property.
And so on.
The Kiosk OPOS driver
has 2 fonts implemented.
Valid selections are 0 for
(small) Monospace, 1 for
Lucida Console (big)