Kiosk Modifications of the OLE for Retail POS
11/25/2013 OPOS Driver User Guide P1061668-001 Rev. A
RecLineSpacing Proper ty
The value of RecLineSpacing is initialized to the printer’s default line spacing when the
device is first enabled following the Open method. The value is approximately 7/10 of the
RecLinesToPaperCut Property
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the Open method. The
value is determined by the CutPosition parameter set during installation (found in the INF file
and set in mm) and divided by the RecLineHeight.
RecLineWidth Proper ty
The value of RecLineWidth is initialized to the printer’s default line width when the device is
first enabled following the Open method.
It depends on the selected Windows font height and is 15 for the first font and 22 for the
second font.
RecSidewaysMaxChars Property
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the Open method. The
number depends on the paper template used in the Windows driver and the printing mode the
driver is set to.
RecSidewaysMaxLines Property
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the Open method.
The number depends on the paper template used in the Windows driver and the printing mode
the driver is set to.
RotateSpecial Property
Added in Release 1.1
This property is initialized to PTR_RP_NORMAL by the Open method.
Values are: Only PTR_RP_NORMAL is valid for the Kiosk printer.