
Kiosk Modifications of the OLE for Retail POS
General Information
P1061668-001 Rev. A OPOS Driver User Guide 11/25/2013
Scale horizontally ESC |#hC Prints with the width scaled ‘#’ times
the normal size, where ‘#’ is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string.
YES, max value 7
Scale vertically ESC |#vC Prints with the height scaled ‘#’
times the normal size, where ‘#’ is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string.
YES, max value 15
RGB color ESC |#fC Prints in # color. The character ‘#’ is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string
indicating the additive amount of
RGB to produce the desired color.
There are 3 digits each of Red, Green
and Blue elements. Valid values
range from “000” to “255”. (For
example, “255255000” represents
yellow.) Color Matching to the
subtractive percentage of CMY
(Cyan, Magenta and Yellow
components) to produce the desired
color matching specified by the RGB
is up to the service object. If ‘#’ is
omitted, then the primary color is
used. Bitmap printing is not affected.
Center ESC |cA Aligns following text in the center. YES
Right justify ESC |rA Aligns following text at the right. YES
Normal ESC |N Restores printer characteristics to
normal condition.
SubScript ESC |(!)tbC Prints SubScript characters. If ‘!’ is
specified then SubScript is disabled.
SuperScript ESC |(!)tpC Prints SuperScript characters. If ‘!’ is
specified then SuperScript is
Table 11 Print Line Data Characters and Escape Sequences (Continued)
Name Data Remarks
Zebra Kiosk
Printer Supported