Chapter 37 System
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
37.6 DNS Overview
DNS (Domain Name System) is for mapping a domain name to its corresponding IP address and
vice versa. The DNS server is extremely important because without it, you must know the IP
address of a machine before you can access it.
37.6.1 Domain Zone Forwarder
A domain zone forwarder contains a DNS server’s IP address. The ZyWALL can query the DNS
server to resolve domain zones for features like VPN, DDNS and the time server. A domain zone is a
fully qualified domain name without the host. For example, zyxel.com.tw is the domain zone for the
www.zyxel.com.tw fully qualified domain name.
37.6.2 DNS Commands
The following table identifies the values required for many of these commands. Other input values
are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following table describes the commands available for DNS. You must use the configure
command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.
Table 168 Input Values for General DNS Commands
address_object The name of the IP address (group) object. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters,
_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is
interface_name The name of the interface.
Ethernet interface: For the ZyWALL USG 300 and above, use gex, x = 1 - N, where N
equals the highest numbered Ethernet interface for your ZyWALL model.
The ZyWALL USG 200 and lower models use a name such as wan1, wan2, opt, lan1,
ext-wlan, or dmz.
virtual interface on top of Ethernet interface: add a colon (:) and the number of the
virtual interface. For example: gex:y, x = 1 - N, y = 1 - 4
VLAN interface: vlanx, x = 0 - 4094
virtual interface on top of VLAN interface: vlanx:y, x = 0 - 4094, y = 1 - 12
bridge interface: brx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of bridge interfaces your
ZyWALL model supports.
virtual interface on top of bridge interface: brx:y, x = the number of the bridge interface,
y = 1 - 4
PPPoE/PPTP interface: pppx, x = 0 - N, where N depends on the number of PPPoE/PPTP
interfaces your ZyWALL model supports.
Table 169 Command Summary: DNS
[no] ip dns server a-record fqdn w.x.y.z Sets an A record that specifies the mapping of a fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) to an IP address. The
no command deletes
an A record.
ip dns server -flush Clears the DNS .