ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide 299
File Manager
This chapter covers how to work with the ZyWALL’s firmware, certificates, configuration files,
custom IDP signatures, packet trace results, shell scripts and temporary files.
39.1 File Directories
The ZyWALL stores files in the following directories.
39.2 Configuration Files and Shell Scripts Overview
You can store multiple configuration files and shell script files on the ZyWALL.
When you apply a configuration file, the ZyWALL uses the factory default settings for any features
that the configuration file does not include. Shell scripts are files of commands that you can store
on the ZyWALL and run when you need them. When you run a shell script, the ZyWALL only applies
the commands that it contains. Other settings do not change.
You can edit configuration files or shell scripts in a text editor and upload them to the ZyWALL.
Configuration files use a .conf extension and shell scripts use a .zysh extension.
Table 182 FTP File Transfer Notes
A. After you log in through FTP, you do not need to change directories in order to upload the firmware.
Firmware (upload only) bin
cert Non-PKCS#12 certificates cer
conf Configuration files conf
idp IDP custom signatures rules
packet_trace Packet trace results (download only)
script Shell scripts .zysh
tmp Temporary system maintenance files and crash dumps for
technical support use (download only)