Chapter 37 System
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
37.6.3 DNS Command Example
This command sets an A record that specifies the mapping of a fully qualified domain name
(www.abc.com) to an IP address (
[no] ip dns server mx-record domain_name
Sets a MX record that specifies a mail server that is responsible for
handling the mail for a particular domain. The
no command
deletes a MX record.
ip dns server rule {<1..32>|append|insert
<1..32>} access-group {ALL|address_object}
zone {ALL|address_object} action {accept|deny}
Sets a service control rule for DNS requests.
ip dns server rule move <1..32> to <1..32> Changes the number of a service control rule.
[no] ip dns server zone-forwarder
{<1..32>|append|insert <1..32>}
{domain_zone_name|*} interface interface_name
Sets a domain zone forwarder record that specifies a fully qualified
domain name. You can also use a star (*) if all domain zones are
served by the specified DNS server(s).
domain_zone_name: This is a domain zone, not a host. For
example, zyxel.com.tw is the domain zone for the
www.zyxel.com.tw fully qualified domain name. For example,
whenever the ZyWALL receives needs to resolve a zyxel.com.tw
domain name, it can send a query to the recorded name server IP
interface_name: This is the interface through which the ISP
provides a DNS server. The interface should be activated and set
to be a DHCP client.
no command deletes a zone forwarder record.
ip dns server zone-forwarder
{<1..32>|append|insert <1..32>}
{domain_zone_name|*} user-defined w.x.y.z
[private | interface {interface_name | auto}]
Sets a domain zone forwarder record that specifies a DNS server’s
IP address.
private | interface: Use private if the ZyWALL connects to
the DNS server through a VPN tunnel. Otherwise, use the
interface command to set the interface through which the
ZyWALL sends DNS queries to a DNS server. The auto means any
interface that the ZyWALL uses to send DNS queries to a DNS
server according to the routing rule.
ip dns server zone-forwarder move <1..32> to
Changes the index number of a zone forwarder record.
no ip dns server rule <1..32> Deletes a service control rule.
show ip dns server Displays all DNS entries.
show ip dns server database Displays all configured records.
show ip dns server status Displays whether this service is enabled or not.
Table 169 Command Summary: DNS (continued)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip dns server a-record www.abc.com