ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
and SNMP 853
and SSH 844
and Telnet 847
and VPN connections 470
and WWW 829
HOST 731
types of 731
where used 110
address record 819
admin user
troubleshooting 909
admin users 715
multiple logins 726
see also users 715
ADP 623
base profiles 624, 627
configuration overview 108
false negatives 628
false positives 628
inline profile 628
monitor profile 628
port scanning 635
prerequisites 108
protocol anomaly 624
signatures 287
traffic anomaly 624, 628
updating signatures 287
Advanced Encryption Standard, see AES
AES 497, 1029
AF 385
AH 475, 502
and transport mode 503
alerts 862, 865, 866, 869, 870, 871
anti-spam 680
anti-virus 580
IDP 598
ALG 170, 427, 433
and firewall 427, 430
and NAT 428, 430
and policy routes 429, 430, 433
and trunks 433
configuration overview 105
FTP 428
H.323 428, 434
IPPBX on DMZ tutorial 168
peer-to-peer calls 429
RTP 434
see also VoIP pass through 428
SIP 428
tutorial 161
Anomaly Detection and Prevention, see ADP
answer rings 854
directional 1034
gain 1033
omni-directional 1034
anti-spam 675, 681
action for spam mails 681
alerts 680
black list 676, 681
concurrent e-mail sessions 272, 678
configuration overview 109
DNSBL 677, 681, 686
e-mail header buffer 677
e-mail headers 676
excess e-mail sessions 678
general settings 677
identifying legitimate e-mail 675
identifying spam 676
log options 680
mail sessions threshold 678
POP2 676
POP3 676
prerequisites 109
priority 679
regular expressions 684
SMTP 676
statistics 271
status 273
white list 675, 681, 683, 685
anti-virus 573, 574
alert message 987
alerts 580
black list 580, 582
boot sector virus 587
configuration overview 108
e-mail virus 587
engines 574
file decompression 580
file infector virus 587
firmware package blocking 581
log options 580
macro virus 587
packet scan 574, 987, 989