Chapter 36 Content Filtering
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 178 Configuration > Anti-X > Content Filter > Filter Profile > Add
License Status This read-only field displays the status of your content-filtering
database service registration.
Not Licensed displays if you have not successfully registered
and activated the service.
Expired displays if your subscription to the service has expired.
Licensed displays if you have successfully registered the
ZyWALL and activated the service.
After you register for content filter, you can see Chapter 36 on
page 650 for how to use the Test Against Web Filtering
Server button. When the content filter is active, you should see
the web page’s category. The query fails if the content filter is
not active.
You can view content filter reports after you register the
ZyWALL and activate the subscription service in the
Registration screen (see Chapter 37 on page 667).
License Type This read-only field displays what kind of service registration
you have for the content-filtering database.
None displays if you have not successfully registered and
activated the service.
Standard displays if you have successfully registered the
ZyWALL and activated the standard content filtering service.
Trial displays if you have successfully registered the ZyWALL
and activated the trial service subscription.
Name Enter a descriptive name for this content filtering profile name.
You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(
_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This
value is case-sensitive.
Enable Content Filter
Category Service
Enable external database content filtering to have the ZyWALL
check an external database to find to which category a
requested web page belongs. The ZyWALL then blocks or
forwards access to the web page depending on the configuration
of the rest of this page.