ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
POP2 676
POP3 676
pop-up windows 47
port forwarding, see NAT
port groups 115, 290, 293
and Ethernet interfaces 293
and physical ports 293
representative interfaces 293
port mapping 33
port scan, filtered 636
port scanning 635
port speed 855
port sweep 636
port translation, see NAT
port triggering 386
and firewall 382, 902
and policy routes 382
and service groups 382
and services 382
troubleshooting 902
ports 33
Post Office Protocol, see POP 676
power off 37, 893
power on 37
PPP 362
troubleshooting 898
PPP interfaces
subnet mask 359
PPPoE 362
and RADIUS 362
TCP port 1723 362
PPPoE/PPTP interfaces 290, 304
and ISP accounts 305, 787
basic characteristics 291
gateway 305
subnet mask 305
PPTP 362
and GRE 362
as VPN 362
preamble mode 1023
privacy concerns 655
problems 895
overview 33
registration 1094
packet inspection 597
usage statistics 256, 257
protocol anomaly 624, 639
detection 631
proxy servers 424
web, see web proxy servers
PSK 1029
PTR record 819
public server tutorial 165
Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) 766
public-private key pairs 765
QoS 375, 549
query view (IDP) 598, 602
quick setup wizard 73
Quick Start Guide 3
rack-mounted installation 33
RADIUS 750, 751, 1025
advantages 750
and IKE SA 501
and PPPoE 362
and users 716
message types 1025
messages 1025
shared secret key 1026
user attributes 729
RADIUS server
troubleshooting 908
RDP 792
real-time alert message 989
Real-time Transport Protocol, see RTP
RealVNC 792
reauthentication time 331, 333
reboot 37, 891
vs reset 891
record route 608
Reference Guide, CLI 3