Microsoft Outlook 14, 15
Microsoft Word 15 6
missed calls
number of 52
returning 47
MMS 23, 24, 86, 88, 89, 97, 98, 100, 101, 11 6, 11 9, 12 8,
15 7
See also Messages
MobileMe 16, 23, 25, 17 6
getting help 205
push accounts 18
searching email 64
security features 17, 45
sending photos to a gallery 100
setting up account 16
syncing 57, 69, 91
model number 142
modem rmware version 143
Mono Audio 190
rented 15, 83
syncing 12
lyrics 75
managing manually 14
previewing 162
purchasing 162
searching 79
syncing 12, 15, 71
See also iPod
music videos
syncing 12
muting a call 50
navigating. See panning, scrolling
Network activity
status icon 22
networks 13 9
Nike + iPod
settings 15 9, 181
north, true and magnetic 173
Notes 130
searching 131
syncing 12
NTSC 15 9
on-the-go playlists 81
orientation, changing 66
Outlook Express. See Windows Address Book
Outlook. See Microsoft Outlook
overview, iPhone applications 23
pairing with Bluetooth headset 55
PAL 15 9
maps 11 5
webpages 67
parental controls. See Restrictions
passcode 145
changing 155
voicemail 197
images 100
photos and videos in MMS messages 88
text 33
pausing songs and videos 39
PC system requirements 9
phone network name 142
adding and editing contacts 178
answering calls 39, 40, 49
call waiting 15 4
calling internationally 56
calling someone you’ve texted 89
carrier services 155
changing voicemail password 155
conference calls 50
declining calls 40, 49
emergency calls 51
ending calls 39, 40, 50
forwarding calls 15 4
hands-free 50
hiding or showing caller ID 15 4
locking SIM card 15 5
making calls 47
missed calls 52
muting calls 50
putting calls on hold 50
ring mode 54
routing calls back through iPhone 56
second calls 50
setting up voicemail 52
settings 153
silencing calls 49
silent mode 54
switching between calls 40, 50
turning on vibrate 54
unpairing Bluetooth device 56
using favorites 54
using speakerphone 50
using TTY machine 15 4
voice dialing 48
voicemail 51, 52
voicemail alerts 52
photo albums 99