About Camera
With the built-in camera, it’s easy to take photos and record videos with iPhone.
The lens is on the back of iPhone, so you can use the screen to see the photo or video
you’re taking. “Tap to focus” (iPhone 3GS only) lets you focus on a specic area of your
shot and automatically adjust the exposure. You can quickly review—and keep or
delete—photos and videos you’ve taken.
Note: Video features are available only on iPhone 3GS.
Camera photos are tagged with location data, including your current geographical
coordinates provided by the built-in compass (iPhone 3GS only), if Location Services
is turned on. You can use location data with some applications and photo-sharing
websites to track and post where you took your pictures. If Location Services is turned
o, you’ll be prompted to turn it on. If you don’t want to include location data with
your photos and videos, you can still use Camera without having Location Services
turned on. See “Location Services” on page 144 .