
Some lists have an index along the right side, which helps you navigate quickly.
Find items in an indexed list: Tap a letter to jump to items starting with that letter.
Drag your nger along the index to scroll quickly through the list.
Choose an item: Tap an item in the list.
Depending on the list, tapping an item can do dierent things—for example, it may
open a new list, play a song, open an email, or show someone’s contact information so
you can call that person.
Return to a previous list: Tap the back button in the upper-left corner.
Zooming In or Out
When viewing photos, webpages, email, or maps, you can zoom in and out. Pinch your
ngers together or apart. For photos and webpages, you can double-tap (tap twice
quickly) to zoom in, then double-tap again to zoom out. For maps, double-tap to zoom
in and tap once with two ngers to zoom out.
Chapter 2 Basics