Opening Multiple Pages
You can have up to eight pages open at a time. Some links automatically open a new
page instead of replacing the current one.
The number inside the pages icon at the bottom of the screen shows how many
pages are open. If there’s no number inside, just one page is open. For example:
= one page is open
= three pages are open
Open a new page: Tap and tap New Page.
Go to another page: Tap and ick left or right. Tap the page you want to view.
Close a page: Tap and tap . You can’t close a page if it’s the only one open.
Entering Text and Filling Out Forms
Some webpages have text elds and forms to ll out. You can set Safari to remember
names and passwords of websites you visit and ll out text elds automatically with
information from Contacts. See “Safari” on page 156.
Bring up the keyboard Tap inside a text eld.
Move to another text eld Tap another text eld, or tap the Next or Previous
Submit a form Once you nish lling out a form, tap Go or
Search. Most pages also have a link you can tap
to submit the form.
Close the keyboard without submitting the
Tap Done.
Chapter 5 Safari