2. Tap the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth icons to turn on any of these wireless connections. The selected icon turns
blue when enabled.
To disable a wireless connection, tap the icon of the wireless connection that you want to turn off. The
icon turns gray when disabled.
Using your PDA phone as an external modem
With Internet Sharing, you can use your device to connect your PC to the Internet. To connect your device
to your PC, you can use a USB Bluetooth dongle.
NOTE: Ensure that you have Internet connection via Wi-Fi or GPRS connection. Refer to the Wi-Fi or GRPS
sections in this user guide for more details.
Using a USB cable to connect your device to your PC
NOTE: Ensure that you have installed Microsoft® ActiveSync 4.5 or later on your PC.
To use a USB cable to connect your device to your PC:
1. Ensure that the ActiveSync USB connection on your PC is disabled. To disable:
• Open ActiveSync on your PC, and click File > Connection Settings.
• Clear the Allow USB connections checkbox.