The following assumes that you are on the MMS message screen.
Copy the message to other
Using the stylus, move the scroll bar to display the Cc: eld.
Key in the recipient‘s phone number or e-mail address or
tap Menu > Add Recipient to select a recipient from your
Contacts list.
Hide a recipient’s contact
information from other message
Using the stylus, move the scroll bar to display the Bcc:
eld. Key in the recipient‘s phone number or e-mail address
or tap Menu > Add Recipient to select a recipient from your
Contacts list.
Hide sender information Tap Menu > Options > Send Options. Select the Hide
Sender check box.
Create an MMS message from a
Press Menu > Template > New from Template to compose a
message using a predened template.
Create an MMS message template Create a message or open an existing message, and tap
Menu > Template > Save as Templates.
Add preset or frequently used text
strings to a message
In a text eld, tap Menu > My Text. Select the text string that
you want to add.
Edit a preset message In a text eld, tap Menu > My Text > Edit My Text
Request message read notication Tap Menu > Options > Send Options. Select the Read
Report check box.
Request message delivery
Tap Menu > Options > Send Options. Select the Delivery
Report check box.