~: !2\ Enter the name (or part of the name)
Recall ~ you wish to find.
! Number? Press ( .).
~ S262-
., I m I IENDI
\l-.""k""" ""","F
"' @ Use the scroll buttons to find the
lholll 8 II (!!!E ! phone number you desire.
location: 1811
!2\ Enter the phone number (or part of the
\V number) you wish to find.
Press ( .).
(3\ Use the scroll buttons to find the
~ phone number YOu desire.
f4\ To delete the stored number, hold
~ down the CLR button for 1 second.
!4\ To delete the stored number, hold
\:!) down the CLR button for 1 second.
@ To call the number displayed, press ( , )0
@ To call the number displayed, press ( r ).
, :: ;
°c. :~c:.