Scanning Bar Codes
Quick Reference Guide 35
Bar Code Scanning with 2D Imager
Scanning bar codes with the 2D imaging device is similar to scanning with a
laser scanner. The operation and configuration of the scanner is performed in
the same way as laser scanning devices. Trigger behavior and scanning time-
outs are the same as laser scanning devices.
Scanning Differences
Scanning Aimer
The imager contains an aiming beam rather than a red laser. The aiming beam
mimics a laser line for purposes of orienting the imager to a bar code.
Figure 27 shows how the aiming beam visually differs from the laser beam in
laser scanning devices.
Figure 27. Laser vs. Imaging beam
Note that the aiming beam for the imager is green, rather than red.
Rotational orientation does not affect the imager module's ability to read bar
codes. For example, the imager can read a bar code when the aimer beam is
parallel to the lines of the bar code. What is important is the location of the
aimer in relation to the center of the bar code. The aiming beam should be
centered over the bar code, but it can be positioned in any direction for a good
Aiming Beam