LG Electronics 186 Cell Phone User Manual

Wake-up Call
To register wake-up call,
Press TRANS/PGM button.
Dial 4 1
Dial the station range. In case of one station, dial the station number twice.
After hearing confirmation tone, enter 4-digit wake-up time (HHmm) in 24-hour mode.
(HH= 00~23, mm= 00~59)
Press HOLD/SAVE button for one-day, # and HOLD/SAVE button for `until canceled`.
Button Procedures
Attendant Operation
To cancel wake-up call,
Press TRANS/PGM button.
Dial 4 2 (Confirmation tone is heard and MON button is lighting.)
Dial the station range to be canceled.
Press HOLD/SAVE button. (MON button will be extinguished.)
System Greetings
Press # button or * (to record with external MOH) button after hearing the message.
Record your greeting and hang up to finish the recording.
To delete, press DND/FWD button while the message is played.
Button Procedures
It provides announcements for Hunt service (UCD/Circular/Terminal) or DISA and only the
system attendant can record this message.
Press TRANS/PGM button.
Dial # 4.
For DVU, dial 0 1 for announce1, dial 0 2 for announce 2, or 0 3 for announce 3.
(Announcement 3 is played back when the called party is busy.)
For EDVU, you have 31 (01~31) system greetings;
1~9 : for Hunt or company information with DISA
10 : for Invalid message
11 : for Time-out message
12 : for Try again message
13 : for Transfer to attendant message
14 : for Leave message
15 : for Record message
16 : for Enter authorization message
17 : for MOH message
18 : for Busy message
20 : for STA off-net announcement message
This feature allows the attendant to set the Time/Date without entering Admin Programming.
Press TRANS/PGM button.
Dial # 1.
Enter Date + Time. Enter as YYMMDDHHmm.
(YY= Year 00~99, MM= Month 01~12, DD= Date 01~31, HH= Hour 00~23, mm= minute 00~59)
If there is no need to change date or time, press * key. (YYMMDD + * or * + HHmm)
Press HOLD/SAVE button.
Attendant Clock Set