LG Electronics AX380 Cell Phone User Manual

detect the phone USB drivers
and install them.
3. Make sure the microSD
has been formatted on the
phone so the required folders
will be created for use with
your phone. To format the
memory card navigate the
phone to Menu > 9. Settings
>9. Memory > 3. External
Memory and select the
Format option. Select YES to
format the MicroSD
4. On the phone, go to Menu >
9. Settings > 7. PC Connection
> USB Mass Storage .
A prompt will be displayed
stating “PC Connection Set”.
Press END key to return to
idle screen. After a few
seconds a new explorer
window should be popped up
on the computer screen
showing a new Removable
Disk drive with the following
LG_MEDIA folder:
AX380_Eng_100.qxd 6/27/07 10:43 AM Page 71