
Playing Music
To listen to music saved on your
phone or in the external memory,
follow these quick and easy steps:
On the Standby screen, touch
, and then open the
Multimedia tab by touching .
2 Then touch .
3 Select Music Player to view your
options. You can select from All
Songs, Playlists, Artists, Albums
and Genres. The Now Playing
menu will only be available when
music is p\laying.
If you select Music Centre, it
shows Playlists, Artists, All Songs,
Albums and Genres.
Touch the song you want to play.
While playing, touch to
pause the selected song. Touch
to adjust the volume. Touch
or to skip to the next
song or previous song.
Touch to Minimize the music
player and access other phone
functions while music is playing.
Note: Files under 300 kb may not
be displayed in this function and
may be categorized as Ringtones.