
Address Book
New Contact
This menu allows you to add a new contact
address. You can enter contact address
information, including: name, phone numbers,
email addresses, group information, pictures,
ringtone, and a memo.
1. From the standby screen, touch and
touch .
2. Touch
to set a Picture ID for a contact
by using a saved picture from Pictures or
taking a new picture of the contact person.
Choose from No Picture, Picture, or Take
New Picture. After you take a new picture
of the contact person, touch to select
an area of the picture, then touch Set to
set the picture as the Contact Picture ID. To
delete the picture ID, touch and choose
No Picture.
] Enter the first name, last name, or both.
] Enter up to five different numbers. Touch
and you can set that number as a
Speed Dial.
] Enter an email address.
] Select a group for the contact.
] Set the ringtone for the contact or leave it
as the default ringtone.
] Add a memo if necessary.
] Choose whether to save the contact to your
Phone or SIM Card memory.
3. Touch
to save the contact.