My stuff
Video clips
The Videos folder shows the
list of downloaded videos and
videos you have recorded on
your phone: Download, Send,
Find, Sort by, Delete, Organise,
Mark/Unmark, Rename, View
Music albums are automatically
created based on the ID3 tags
attached to the music files.
You can allow or prevent the display
of these albums using Show albums/
Hide albums option: Download,
Send, Find, Sort by, New track list,
Use tone, Edit, Organise, Show
albums/ Hide albums, View details,
Mark/Unmark, Delete.
If you delete M3U files by using New
track list option, the contained tracks
are not deleted. If you delete an item
shown using the Show album option,
every track the album includes will
be deleted.
Sound clips
The Sounds folder contains
the Default sounds, your voice
recordings and sound files
downloaded by you. From here you
can manage, send or set sounds as
ringtones: Download, Send, Find,
Sort by, Use tone, Organise, View
details, Mark/Unmark.
Streaming links
To use a link to play the media file,
scroll to the link and press
: Send,
Find, New link, Edit, Organise, Mark/
Streaming means playing music,
video, or sound clip files directly from
the web, without first downloading it
to your phone.
My stuff