To change which groups are displayed
1. Open your Contacts application.
2. Press the Menu Key and touch Display options.
3.Touch an account to open its list of available groups.
4.Touch each group whose contacts you want to view in your
Contacts application, contact types with a green checkmark
will appear in your contacts list.
This action affects only which contacts are displayed. Your
sync settings will not be affected.
To join contacts
1. From the Home screen, touch Contacts .
2.Touch the contact entry to which you want to add
The contact name for this entry will remain unchanged after
you join with another contact.
3. Press the
Menu Key and touch Edit contact.
4. Press the
Menu Key and touch Join.
Your list of contacts is displayed on the screen.
5.Touch the contact whose information you want to join with
the first contact. The information from the two contacts will
be merged and displayed under the name from the first