
Mobile Phones
3.1 21.04.99
Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999
The communicator also supports PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol (and its following modes: LCB, CRC,
Sequence Number and Extended Mode) (RFC1974) and Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC). To use
these compressions the dial-in system must be configured properly for the usage.
2.4. Secure Authentication and Connections
Secure connections and password protection help to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive information. The
communicator supports some methods which will secure the authentication. In the PPP authentication the
communicator supports PAP and CHAP.
Third party authentication is one method for protecting passwords, for example, receiving a one timepassword
(e.g., TACACS and RADIUS based systems). In the communicator end, the users only needs to set the password
to be prompted at the Internet Access Point.
There are also some secure connection methods available. One of the most popular is SSL (Secure Socket
Layer). Some banks have established on-line banking over the Internet (i.e. they use an http connection). SSL can
also be used with Lotus Domino. SSL 3.0 software is available for the communicator. See the communicator
support section of Forum Nokia for more information (http://www.forum.nokia.com).
This chapter specifies how to define custom login sequences for the time frame between the data call
establishment (i.e. CONNECT response from the AT command interpreter) and the starting of the PPP protocol
negotiations in the communicator.
3.1. Handling Scripts in the communicator
In the Internet application, press Settings à choose Internet access à press New or Edit à choose Advanced
settings à choose Login customisation and enter your script as outlined in this document.
To add a script go to the Login customisation pop-up menu, press New, type the script and then press Close.
Scripts can also be added using special SMS messages. For SMS message formats, please see the The remote
configuration options at http://www.forum.nokia.com.
To choose an existing script, select a script, the Login Customisation pop-up menu and press OK. The same
script can be chosen to be used with many Internet access points.
To Modify an existing script select a script in the Login Customisation pop-up menu, press Open, modify the script
and then press Close.
To Delete an existing script select a script in the Login Customisation pop-up menu, press Open, press Delete in
the editor and then press Delete in the confirmation dialog box.
3.2. Script Format
The communicator script language is a simple chat script language. It expects that the dial-in server sends a word
to the communicator and the response which the communicator should send is separated with a space. For
Password: MyPassword