
Last number redial
The last ten phone numbers you called or attempted to call are
stored in the phones memory. To redial one of these last-dialled
1. When in the standby mode, press once to access the list of
the last-dialled numbers.
2. Use or to reach the desired number or name.
Calling your voice mailbox
1. Press and hold in the standby mode.
2. If the phone asks for the voice mailbox number, key it in and
press OK. You obtain this number from your service provider. To
edit this number at a later time, see Voice mailbox number
(Menu 1-9-2).
Speed dialling a phone number
If you have assigned a phone number to one of the speed dialling
keys ( to ), you can call that phone number in either of the
following ways:
Press the corresponding speed dialling key and press or
press and hold the corresponding speed dialling key ( to
) until the call is started.
Note that pressing and holding dials your voice mailbox
Assigning a phone number as a speed dial number
The first nine names and phone numbers stored in phone book are
automatically saved as speed dial numbers and can be speed dialled
via the number keys - . If you want to assign another
number to a speed dial key, take the following steps: