Add a calendar event
> Calendar.
1 Select (Tap to create event), or if there are existing events, tap the area below
an event. The calendar event type is meeting by default.
2 Fill in the fields.
3 To repeat the calendar event at regular intervals, select
and the time interval.
Select Repeat until, and enter the end date.
4 Select
Tip: You can also add a calendar event in the day view. Select and hold the starting
time, and drag the arrows to set the duration.
Use separate calendars for work and free time
You can have more than one calendar. Create one for work and another for your free
> Calendar.
Create a new calendar
1 Select
> Calendars > .
2 Enter a name, and set a colour code for the calendar.
3 Define the visibility for the calendar. When a calendar is hidden, the calendar
events and reminders are not displayed in different calendar views or on the home
4 Select
Modify the settings for a calendar
1 In the Calendars view, select the desired calendar.
2 Change the name, colour, and visibility.
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