Nokia 3510i Cell Phone User Manual

Copyright © 2002 Nokia. All rights reserved.
2. Call functions and phone book
Basic call functions
Making a call
1. Key in the phone number, including the area code. To edit the number on the
display, press or to move the cursor and press Clear to delete the
character to the left of the cursor.
For international calls, press twice for the international prefix (the +
character replaces the international access code) and then key in the country
code, area code and the phone number.
2. Press to call the number.
3. Press or End call to end the call (or to cancel the call attempt).
Making a call using the phone book
1. See Searching for a name in the phone book on page 48.
2. Press to call the number on the display.
Redialling last number
In standby mode, press once to access a list of the 20 numbers you most
recently called or attempted to call. Scroll to the number or name you want, and
press to call the number.