
[ 37 ]
Enter letters and numbers
Add a new word to the dictionary
If the word you are trying to enter does not show up as a possible match,
you can add the word to the dictionary.
1 Press repeatedly until Spell appears in place of Options.
2 Press Spell, then enter the word(s) using ABC mode.
3 Press Save to add the word to the dictionary.
Use predictive text shortcuts
Press Menu 01 1 (Messages > Write message) to write messages using
the following shortcuts.
- Press each key only once for each letter.
Press to view the next matching word if the underlined
word is not the word you intended.
Spell Press to add a new word to the dictionary.
Press once to accept a word and add a space.
Press and hold to enter a number.
Press to change the character case. indicates
uppercase. indicates lowercase. indicates
sentence case. (Default is sentence case in phone book.)
Press twice to select predictive input or ABC mode.
and indicate ABC mode.
and indicate predictive text input.
Clear Press to delete the character to the left of the cursor.
Press once to add a punctuation mark. To change the
underlined symbol, press repeatedly until the
desired symbol appears.