
Menu functions
Select loyalty card next and select a card from the loyalty card
Select access card next and select a card from the access card list.
Select user info card next and select a card from the user data
card list.
Select billing address next and select an address from the address
card list.
Select shipping address next and select an address from the
address card list.
Select receipt delivery address next and select an address from the
address card list.
Select receipt delivery method next and select the means of
delivery: To phone number or To e-mail address.
Wallet profile name: enter a name for the profile.
Wallet settings
Access the wallet, and select Settings. To change the wallet code, select
Change code. To set the radio frequency identification (RFID) code and
type, select RFID > RFID code and RFID type. RFID is technology that
helps secure your commercial transactions.
Guidelines for making purchases with the wallet
To do your shopping, access the desired Web site that supports the
wallet. The service must support the Electronic Commerce Modeling
Language specification. See Connect to a service on page 99.
Choose the product you want to buy and read carefully all provided
information before your purchase.
The text may not fit within a single screen. Therefore, make sure to
scroll through and read all of the text before your purchase.
To pay for the items you wish to buy, the phone asks whether you
want to use the wallet. The phone also asks for your wallet PIN code.
Select the card you want to pay with from the Payment cards list. If
the data form you receive from the service provider supports the
Electronic Commerce Modeling Language specification, the phone