
[ 21 ]
Enter letters and numbers
7. Enter letters and
For text messages and calendar notes, you can use predictive text
input. This method is covered in “Write with predictive text input”
on page 76.
Enter letters
When you want to add new names or when you view names in the phone
book, your phone automatically switches to the ABC mode and displays
the icon.
Press a key once or several times to enter the letter(s) you want.
For example, press the 2 key three times to enter the letter C.
Key Characters Key Characters
1 . , ’ ? ! @ - 1 7 PQRS7
2 ABC2 8 TUV8
3 DEF3 9 WXYZ9
4 GHI4 0 Enters an empty space or 0
5 JKL5 * Special characters
6 MNO6 # Changes letter case; long
press toggles between ABC/
abc and 123 mode