Palm i700 Cell Phone User Manual

format 176
setting current 179
setting event 116
start and end for Date Book Day
view 127
Tips, online 16
To Do List
adding Address Book data to
records 8889
archive files (.tda) 28
categorizing records 83, 149
checking off items 146
completed items 148
completion date 148
conduit for synchronizing 155
creating records 80
deleting records 81, 121
due date 147148, 149
fonts 91
menus 149
notes for records 9091
overview 145
prioritizing records 146, 149
private records 143
purging records 8283, 148
sorting records 89
Today. See Current date
Transmitting data. See Beaming information
Troubleshooting 212
Turning off handheld
automatically 177
pen stroke for 175
problems with 205
Turning on handheld
displaying owners name 193
power button 11
problems with 205
Turning radio on/off 34
Undoing actions 81
Uninstalling Desktop software 97
Universal connector 12, 180
Unresponsive handheld 206
Untimed events 116, 118, 119, 120
User name
for ISP 182
identifying handheld 193
User profiles 170
VCal 28
vCard 28
Vibrate alarm 178
Web Clipping Preferences 45
Web clipping applications
accessing 38
described 36
preferences screen 45
saving information from 4445
working with 4045
Web clippings
defining 36
example of 4243
reviewing 43
Week (Date Book view) 123124, 177, 208
button 33
security 46
Writing area 11
Writing. See Entering data