
Can I verify that an email or PIN
message has reached its recipient?
Yes. To receive email message confirmation, if
your handheld is integrated with an email account
using a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, type
<confirm> before the subject of your message.
For PIN messages, when the message has been
delivered to a handheld, a D appears beside the
check mark in the messages list.
Can I stop an email message from
being sent?
Yes, if the handheld radio is turned off or you are
in an area of insufficient wireless coverage. If a
clock icon appears beside the message, delete the
message to stop it from being sent.
If the radio is turned on and you are in an area of
sufficient wireless coverage, any pending
messages are sent immediately, so you cannot
stop the message from being sent.
Why are some messages already on
my handheld?
When you first receive your handheld and every
time that you update the software, several
welcome messages appear. These messages
provide information and tips for using the
How do I create and use links in
Links appear in your messages as underlined text.
Messages can contain links to various items such
as phone numbers, web sites, and email addresses.
When you receive a message containing a link,
click the link. In the menu, click the actions that
apply to the type of link selected.
The handheld automatically recognizes most
items as links. To create a link for a PIN, type pin:
before typing the PIN number.
Why is “More available” appearing
at the end of my message?
Long messages are sent to your handheld in
sections. As you read the first section, the next
section is sent to your handheld automatically, if
you are in an area of sufficient wireless coverage.
However, it might take several seconds before
your handheld receives the next section.
To send only the first section of long messages to
your handheld, in the messages options, click
General Options. Set the Auto More field to No.
The next time that you receive a long message,
More available appears at the bottom. To request
more of the message, click the trackwheel. Click
More. To view the rest of the message, click More
Can I file messages?
Yes. If you have enabled wireless email
reconciliation for your handheld, any messages
that you file on your handheld are also filed in
your mailbox.
If your handheld is not enabled for wireless email
reconciliation, your handheld must be integrated
with an email account using the BlackBerry
Desktop Redirector or BlackBerry Enterprise Server
to file messages. You must perform an initial email
reconciliation with the BlackBerry Desktop
Software so that the folders in your mailbox
appear on your handheld. For more information
on configuring manual email reconciliation, refer
to the
BlackBerry Desktop Software Online Help