Samsung 100703 Cell Phone User Manual

Navigating Through Menus 61
2: Change Lock
3: Restriction
1: Allow all
2: PBook Only
3: Special# Only
4: Special #
1: 911
2: *911
3: #911
5: Erase Pbook
1: Yes
2: No
6: Erase Content
1: Yes
2: No
7: Erase Pictures
1: Yes
2: No
8: Reset Phone
1: Yes
2: No
9: Reset Picture Account
1: Yes
2: No
6: Airplane Mode
1: On
2: Off
7: Launch Pad
1: Up Key
Note: These 11 options are also available for the Down, Left, and
Right keys.
1: Phone Book
2: Voice Memo
3: Scheduler
4: Mail Kit
5: Voice Dial