Chapter 2
Setting the Working Environment for ITP-5000D Series IP Phones
• Select ‘2.IP’. You see:
If the IP address is set, you can confirm the address displayed by pressing the
[Enter] button. (If it is incorrect, use the left arrow button to delete the set address
and use the dial buttons [0] to [9], and [*] to enter the correct address, and press
the [Enter] button to save and exit.)
If the IP address is blank, use the dial buttons [0] to [9], and [*] to set the address
and press the [Enter] button to save and exit.
• Select ‘3.Netmask’. You see:
If the subnet mask address is set, you can confirm the address displayed by
pressing the [Enter] button. (If it is incorrect, use the left arrow button to delete the
set address and use the dial buttons [0] to [9], and [*] to enter the correct address,
and press the [Enter] button to save and exit.)
If the subnet mask address blank, use the dial buttons [0] to [9], and [*] to set the
address and press the [Enter] button to save and exit.
• Select ‘4.Gateway’. You see:
If the gateway address is set, you can confirm the address displayed by pressing
the [Enter] button. (If it is incorrect, use the left arrow button to delete the set
address and use the dial buttons [0] to [9], and [*] to enter the correct address, and
press the [Enter] button to save and exit.)
Input Netmask
Input Def. Gateway
Input IP Address