Samsung M300 Cell Phone User Manual

5: IM & Email
1: PCS Mail 2: AOL
3: MSN 4: Yahoo!
5: Earthlink 6: Other
6: Voicemail
1: Call Voicemail 2: Clear Envelope
7: Chat & Dating
8: Settings
1: Notification
1: Message and Icon 2: Icon only
2: Sending Options
1: Priority (Normal/Urgent) 2: Call Back #
3: Preset Messages
1: Can’t talk right now. Send me a message. 2: Call me
3: Where are you? 4: Can you pick up 5: Meet me at
6: Let’s get lunch. 7: The meeting has been cancelled.
8: I’ll be there at 9: What time does it start?
10: I love you! 11: [Empty] 12: [Empty]
13: [Empty] 14: [Empty] 15: [Empty]
16: [Empty] 17: [Empty] 18: [Empty]
19: [Empty] 20: [Empty]
4: Edit Signature (On/Off)
5: Message Alerts
1: Alert Volume
1: Voicemail 2: Text Message 3: Picture Mail
2: Alert Type
1: Voicemail 2: Text Message 3: Picture Mail
3: Reminder
1: Off 2: Once 3: Every 2 min
6: Save in Outbox (Yes/No)
7: Auto Erase (Yes/No)
8: Delivery Receipt (Off/On)