Samsung SGH-T746 Cell Phone User Manual

My Downloads 72
: allows you to rename an image file.
Sort by
: allows you to organize your image files by Date, Type, Name, or Size.
Send via Bluetooth
: allows you to send the selected image to a Bluetooth enabled device.
Bluetooth visibility
: allows you to enable this image so it is visible to other Bluetooth devices.
: allows you to lock this image file to protect it from deletion, or unlock it to allow deletion.
3. Touch a photo on the screen to view the photo.
4. While viewing the photo, choose from the following options:
Send via
: allows you to send the selected photo as a Message or to a Bluetooth enabled device.
Set as
: allows you to set the photo as your Wallpaper or Picture ID.
: allows you to view the photos as a slideshow.
: allows you to edit the selected image.
: allows you to rename the photo.
: allows you to delete the selected image.
Bluetooth visibility
: allows you to enable this photo so it is visible to other Bluetooth devices.
Print via Bluetooth
: allows you to send the selected photo to a Bluetooth enabled printer.
allows you to lock this photo to protect it from deletion, or unlock it to allow deletion.
displays the photo Name, Format, Resolution, Size, Forwarding, Date created, and Location.
In this menu, you can view a list of videos downloaded from the web server, received in multimedia messages, or
recorded via the phone.
1. In Idle mode, touch Menu My Downloads Videos Videos.
2. Touch one of the following options:
Record video
: allows you to begin recording a video.
Create folder
: allows you to create a folder for your video files.
: allows you to move or copy video files to another location.
: allows you to delete one or more video files.
T746 Page 72 Wednesday, September 2, 2009 3:24 PM