170 Section 3A: Sprint Service Features – The Basics
Voicemail-to-Voicemail Message Reply
Reply to a voice message received from any other Sprint
Voicemail user.
1. After listening to a voice message, press .
2. Follow the voice prompts to record and send your reply.
Voicemail-to-Voicemail Message Forwarding
Forward voice messages, except those marked “Private,”to
other Sprint Voicemail users.
1. After listening to a message, press .
2. Follow the voice prompts to enter the phone number.
3. Follow the voice prompts to record your introduction
and forwardthe voice message.
Voicemail-to-Voicemail Receipt Request
Receiveconfirmation that your voice message has been
listened to when you send or forward messages to, or reply to
messages from other Sprint users.
1. After you have recorded a message, press to listen
to the recorded message.
2. Press for more Options.
3. Press to mark receiptrequested.
4. Press to send your voicemail message.