62 Section 2B: Making and Answering Calls
Joining or Rejoining a Team DC Call
If a member of a Team DC call is not available at the beginning
of a call, or if a member drops off the call temporarily, they may
rejoin the in-progress Team DC call.
1. Press >History.
–or –
2. Select the Team DC entry and press .
3. Continue the Team DC call as described previously.
Team DC Call Information
During a Team DC call, the following information may appear
on your screen:
The name of the group.
The Direct Connect number, and, if available, the caller’s
The number of Team DC members who are connected on
the call out of the number invited (for example, 4 out of 6).
You can view a complete list of group members for your active
Team DC call by pressing
If the Team DC call has already ended, pressing the Direct
Connect key initiates a new Team DC call.
You may also join or rejoin a Team DC call from your Contacts.
Select the Team DC group and press the Direct Connect key.